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Does Acupuncture Hurt?


No.  Most of the time you won't feel a thing.  At certain points you may feel a light pinch that will last for only a brief moment. At Denver Acupuncture Clinic we feel strongly that all treatments should be pain free and relaxing.


Does Acupuncture Work?


Yes, Acupuncture/ Chinese Medicine is one of the oldest living medicine in existence today, and that's because it works!  We know, thanks to the feedback from the thousands of people like you who have come through our door.


What is a Chinese Medicine practitioner?


A practitioner of Chinese medicine is an individual licensed to provide health care by using techniques of Oriental medicine.  In the state of CO, they are referred to as Licensed Acupuncturists (L.Ac.s) while in other states they are recognized as Primary Care Physicians and called Doctor’s.  They may perform acupuncture and many related modalities such as moxa, cupping, and prescribe supplements, Chinese and Western herbs, teach qi gong, and provide dietary and lifestyle advice.

Prerequisites for Chinese medical school include a Bachelor’s degree and courses similar to medical school prerequisites.  There are about 50 Chinese medical schools in the U.S.  The Accreditation Commission for Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (ACAOM) requires that accredited professional programs in Oriental medicine be 4 academic years in length and at least 2175 hours.  The most common degree held by a Chinese medicine practitioner is a Master’s degree.  Programs must train students sufficiently in the history of Oriental medicine, basic Oriental medical theory, biomedical clinical sciences (biochemistry, microbiology, immunology, etc.), diagnostic skills, acupuncture techniques, herbal medicine, treatment planning, ethics and safety, nutrition, qi gong, basic counseling and communication skills, and clinical training. Most states license Chinese medicine practitioners after they pass national board examinations in Acupuncture, Oriental Medicine, and Biomedicine.  The National Commission for the Certification of Acupuncture and Oriental Medicine (NCCAOM) administers the exams.  


Will I be required to disrobe?


No, most acupuncture points are below the knees and elbows. Sometimes you will be asked to remove articles of clothing but will always remain covered up. Our treatment rooms have heated padding and heat lamps so you will always stay warm. We recommend you wear loose fitting clothing for comfort.


 Can I email questions to my provider?


Yes, we are committed to quality care and therefore we make it a priority to answer questions regarding your existing treatment plan or most recent visit free of charge.  Should the response require more than a short paragraph or entail multiple emails we reserve the right to be compensated for our time.  As part of our commitment to your healthcare we are happy to answer any questions that arise if they can be appropriately addressed via email according to the hourly fee schedule.


What can I expect from a visit with a Chinese medicine practitioner?


While each visit to DAC is as unique as the patient, it is common to have the first visit be between 60-120 minutes. This gives us a chance to explore the underlying factors affecting your health.

Prior to your visit, we will send you paperwork to complete that includes a thorough health history. When we meet, we will review this together to better understand your concerns. The interview process may be quite thorough, and may inquire into body, mind, and emotions.  There is a physical exam, which often includes palpation of the pulses, the abdomen, and the meridians, and a look at the tongue.

The first visit will usually involves a treatment (often acupuncture), a Chinese medicine diagnosis, an opportunity for questions, counseling regarding diet and lifestyle, prescription of herbs and/or supplements, and specific recommendations for continued treatment.  


How often will I be treated?


You can expect to see your practitioner between two to four times in the first month. During this time we will do a thorough analysis of the state of your condition as well as begin to understand you as a whole person. While it is likely you will begin to feel better quickly, it is important that you receive care throughout the healing process to help ensure a complete recovery and long-lasting results.


The frequency and duration of follow-up care is different for everyone. Your treatment plan will depend upon the nature of your condition, its state of progression, your constitutional makeup and your desired level of health. Some factors that will influence any healing process are: your lifestyle and habits, your commitment to care, the extent to which you take an active role in your health, your constitutional makeup, and the severity of your condition. 


How does natural medicine define “optimal health”?


From our perspective, optimal health means more than simply being free of physical symptoms. We also believe that an individual’s mental, emotional and spiritual life play a big part in their overall well-being.


When people are healthy, they generally report having energy, feeling light and alive, and experiencing a deep sense of peace, freedom, confidence, joy, and gratitude for life. At DAC, we support you in establishing (and sustaining) your unique picture of optimal health.


If I'm taking prescription medications will natural medicines interfere?


There are certain drug-nutrient and drug-herbal interactions that should be taken into consideration. We are aware of the possibilities and will avoid interactions. For this reason it is important that you provide your practitioner with a list of all current medications.


Do DAC practitioners do phone or long distance consults?


Yes, phone or Skype consults can be arranged for patients seeking Chinese herbal medicine and some functional medicine services.  Not all services or conditions are appropriate for distance treatment and in these cases you will be referred so you can be taken care of adequately. These visits are arranged much like a regular visit and follow the guidelines listed above.  In most cases your first office visit should be done in office, please inquire if you need to make special arrangements.  

Existing patients may call for free phone consults up to 10 minutes regarding an existing treatment plan or questions regarding your most recent visit.  You will need to call reception to schedule any phone call.  Providers are happy to answer questions regarding a new problem, future treatment, or questions needing extensive time for an additional charge.  The charge ranges from $25-120 based on the complexity of your situation and the time spent with you on the phone.






Want Health?

Let's Get Here Together

7500 E. Arapahoe Rd. Suite 335

Centennial, CO 80112

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Tel: 303-253-0575

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